31/08/2024 às 19:23

The Controversial Experiments of Harry Harlow

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A Psychologist's Controversial Experiments

In the world of psychology, some names stand out not only for the impact of their discoveries, but also for the boldness of their experimental approaches. One such name is that of the American psychologist Harry Harlow, whose experiments with rhesus monkeys in the 1950s challenged the beliefs of the time and opened new horizons in the understanding of affective relationships.

Unraveling the Maternal Bond

Harry Harlow was a scientist with a pioneering view of the nature of emotional bonds. At a time when it was widely believed that babies bonded to their mothers primarily out of a need for food, Harlow decided to investigate what really shaped the bond between mother and child. To do this, he devised a series of experiments that involved baby monkeys interacting with surrogate “mothers” constructed from a variety of materials, including cloth and wire.

These artificial “mothers” were designed to mimic a mother’s presence without providing food, allowing Harlow to see whether the bond between the infants and their caregivers was based solely on the need for food or whether other factors were at play.

The Impact of "Rag Mothers"

The results were surprising and revealing. Newborn monkeys showed a clear preference for nesting next to the cloth figures, which provided comfort and warmth, even when the wire “mothers” provided food. This behavior challenged the prevailing view that attachment was simply a matter of physiological survival and highlighted the importance of emotional comfort and security in bonding. Harlow’s experiments revealed that the desire for affection and security is as fundamental as basic survival needs. The discovery not only challenged existing concepts of child development, but also had a profound impact on childcare and education practices.

Controversy and Legacy

It is important to note that Harlow's methods were not without controversy. His experiments, which involved separating pups from their biological mothers and using surrogate figures, were criticized on ethical grounds. The moral implications of such studies have generated significant debate about the treatment of animals in scientific research. Despite the criticism, Harry Harlow's legacy is undeniable. His discoveries contributed to a new understanding of emotional and affective needs, influencing not only psychology but also clinical practice and educational approaches.


Harry Harlow was not just a groundbreaking psychologist; he was a trailblazer in the complex realms of affection and attachment. His controversial experiments with rhesus monkeys showed us that love and security are essential components of emotional development, challenging paradigms and inspiring new lines of research. Ultimately, his work reminds us of the importance of understanding and valuing the emotional dimensions of human and animal relationships.

If you are interested in exploring more about Harry Harlow’s fascinating story and his contributions to psychology, keep following my blog for more analysis and discussions on topics that have shaped the field of behavioral science.

31 Ago 2024

The Controversial Experiments of Harry Harlow

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Experiments Harry Harlow Love Rhesus Monkeys Science

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